Dear Reader,

PippaWhat do you want in an alumni magazine? That’s the question that’s foremost in my mind these days, as I settle in to my new role as editor of QuadAngles.

This is an exciting time for the University, which is growing and adapting on many different fronts to meet the evolving needs of a changing world. I know you, our readers, are also facing up to the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. I hope this magazine can continue to be a window into our campuses and your lives, providing you with a moment of respite and warm remembrance, an occasional laugh, and a roadmap to the future that URI is helping to create.

But we need your help, so please tell us: What are you thinking about? We’ll be polling you in every issue about things URI-related, from the serious to the not-so-much (see “You Tell Us,” opposite). But feel free to drop a line about anything on your mind to This magazine belongs to you, and we’re always wondering what you want to read about, and what makes you proud to be a part of URI.

Beyond these pages, our website—which we hope to revamp in the next year or so—is also a great resource. We post extra material there that we can’t fit into print, and for this issue, that includes a video of the Habitat for Humanity team building a house right here in Kingston. And there are always wonderful submissions from classmates, including photos of new babies, weddings, and family get-togethers.

From Kingston to Providence and much, much further afield, URI’s students, professors and alumni are going out and making a difference, in ways big and small. It’s an inspiring and important world, the world of URI. I’m delighted to be exploring it with you.

Warm regards,

Pippa Jack

QuadAngles editor-in-chief