Let’s Take a Journey

“The Bay is Supposed to be Frozen by Now” by Professor Yeqiao Wang, honorable mention, URI Research and Scholarship Photo Contest

Polar bears gather along the shore of Hudson Bay each fall, waiting until the water freezes to hunt ringed seals. The main conservation concern for polar bears is the loss of their sea-ice habitat and reduced access to their primary prey due to climate change. Here, a vigilant polar bear and her cubs anxiously await the formation of sea-ice after a starving summer.

Engaging in the larger world is part of the URI experience.

For students and faculty alike—whether the primary goal is study, travel, or research—these journeys enrich the lives of those who participate, giving them new ways to see the world. These photos, submitted to the URI Research and Scholarship Photo Contest by members of the university community, illustrate the impact of their travels.