Seeking The Light Through the Lens

Jeremy Bergantini at TEDxURI 2023

Seeking The Light Through the Lens

How do you capture your inner creative light? Creativity can serve as a healthy outlet for everyone, particularly people suffering from PTSD. But what do they do when their creative sparks falter or elude them? They must learn to stoke their fires and find those sparks in the darkest nights.

Jeremy Bergantini

Jeremy Bergantini is an Iraq War veteran and a junior at URI pursing three majors and two minors. He is working toward becoming an archaeologist and humanitarian, digging up the past and helping others deal with their own. After his father suffered a series of strokes in February of 2022, Jeremy started a nonprofit, Tapped Foundation, to help veterans dealing with PTSD, potential homelessness, suicidal thoughts, and women and minority veterans, as well as people suffering from a heart attack or stroke — veteran or not.