KINGSTON, R.I. — June 12, 2000 — The University of Rhode Island and Delaware State University have agreed to collaborate on a variety of research and education initiatives designed to expand opportunities for students at both institutions.
A delegation from Delaware State, including President William B. DeLauder, visited Kingston last month to tour the URI campus and explore options for collaboration. A group from URI visited Delaware last year.
“This partnership will offer URI students unique opportunities that aren’t otherwise available to students in Rhode Island,” said URI President Robert L. Carothers. “In addition, it will help us to recruit minority students to our graduate programs in a variety of fields.”
Delaware State, a historically black university, offers students the opportunity to study the ecology of the mid-Atlantic region, and has a complex of outdoor research fishponds which URI otherwise could not offer its fisheries and aquaculture students.
“We are excited about the level of exposure, research, field experiences and graduate studies open to our students through this agreement,” said DeLauder. “This partnership provides an opportunity for the students and faculty from both universities to learn and work in a different environment.”
New guidelines established by many federal funding agencies, including the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, mandate that research and educational grants go to those programs that demonstrate collaboration between minority and majority institutions. The URI/Delaware State partnership will position both universities to take advantage of these funding opportunities.
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For Information: Deborah Grossman-Garber 874-5401, Todd McLeish 874-7892