KINGSTON, R.I. — June 9, 2000 — The University of Rhode Island will host more than three dozen summer camps on a wide variety of themes for children ages 5 to 17 from late June through August. For further information, visit the URI website at or call the telephone numbers listed below:
Athletic Camps – Tennis, soccer, basketball, baseball and volleyball camps are offered all summer for children of various ages. Swimming and sailing lessons are also available. 874-5245
Computer Camp – Students from age 8 to 17 have fun with computers, including web- page design, searching the Internet, programming, word processing and more. Six, one-week sessions from July 10 to Aug. 18. 874-2701
Environmental Camps – The Environmental Education Center at URI’s W. Alton Jones Campus offers accredited overnight camps, day camps and off-site teen expeditions. Week-long sessions from June 26 to Aug. 18. 397-3304
Farm or Forest day camps for ages 5-11
Earth Camp, a six-day overnight camp for ages 8-13
Teen Expeditions, outdoor adventures throughout New England for ages 12-17.
Experiential Summer Program for Young Musicians – Students entering grades 8-12 with a special interest in music or dance participate in ensembles, performances, music theory and composition. July 9-21. 874-2431
Math Explorers Camp – Students in grades 4-12 strengthen problem-solving skills, learn math concepts, and use computer applications to expand their knowledge of mathematics. Four, one-week sessions from July 10 through Aug. 4. 874-7635
Oceanography Explorer Day Camp – Children in grades 4-8 learn the basics of oceanography and coastal ecosystems with URI marine scientists. Four, one-week sessions in July. 874-6211
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For Information: Todd McLeish 874-7892