KINGSTON, R.I. — June 6, 2000 — For those students looking to really take a “byte” out of summer, the University of Rhode Island’s Computer Science Department will be holding its third summer computer camp. Students from ages eight to 17 will have the chance to learn about a variety of topics including hardware, word processing, presentations, graphing, searching the internet, web page design, and programming.
The camp will run in six sessions beginning on July 10. Each of the one-week sessions is for a different age group and ability level. Sessions run Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on URI’s Kingston Campus. The cost of the camp is $150. Interested parents and students can get more information and register by calling the URI Computer Science Department at 874-2701 or visiting its website at
Staff counselors are URI undergraduate, graduate, or alumni who have taken computer science courses or completed degrees in computer science. One counselor in each session is either engaged in graduate study or has completed a degree in education and is certified. The staff-to-camper ratio is one staff member for every seven campers.
The philosophy of the camp is to create an atmosphere where children will use the computer in conjunction with their daily lives and interests and have more of a desire to use the computer and gain the necessary skills needed in today’s society.
The schedule is as follows:
Session One – July 10 to 14 : Students ages 8 to 11 with little or no experience with Microsoft Word, Microsoft Powerpoint, Microsoft Excel, HTML web pages, and computer programming such as Lego Logo and JavaScript.
Session Two – July 17 to 21: Students ages 8 to 11 who have attended URI’s Computer Camp last year or who have experience with Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Powerpoint, HTML web pages, and computer programming such as Lego Logo.
Session Three – July 24 to 28: Students ages 11 to 14 who have little or no experience with Microsoft Word, Microsoft Powerpoint, Microsoft Excel, HTML web pages, and computer programming such as JavaScript or C++.
Session Four – July 31 to August 4: Students ages 11 to 14 who attended URI’s Computer Camp last year or who have experience with Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Powerpoint, HTML web pages, and computer programming such as Lego Logo.
Session Five – August 7 to 11: Students ages 14 to 17 who have little to no experience with HTML web pages and computer programming such as JavaScript or C++.
Session Six – August 14 to 18: Students ages 14 to 17 who have attended URI’s Computer Camp last year, or have experience with HTML web pages and computer programming in C++, Java, or Pascal.
For Information: Jan Sawyer, 401-874-2116, Jennifer Smith, 401-874-2116