URI’s Alpha Chi Omega sorority gets an “A” for effort

KINGSTON, R.I. — May 23, 2001 — Remember when you were rewarded for a good report card? If you can’t, the University of Rhode Island’s Alpha Chi Omega sorority members do. Members earned approximately $260 from sorority alumnae for the 180 “A’s” they received for the fall 2000 semester. Instead of spending the money, however, the sisters donated it all to the University library for book purchases. And they won’t stop there. They plan to raise even more this semester with the help of family members. Even though they don’t have a specific goal, they’re confident that they can top their previous effort. “We expect three times the previous amount this semester with the help of parents and grandparents,” said Chet Hickox, URI professor and faculty advisor for Alpha Chi Omega. The idea grew out of the collaboration between the sorority’s former philanthropic chair, Kristina Tedino, and Hickox. This year it was passed on to other members and put into practice. “It gave us a chance to give something back to the University,” said Hamilton Square, N.J., resident Jennifer Doherty, the current philanthropic chair. Along with the book donations, the sisters plan to dedicate their efforts to professors who have made a difference in their lives. Each book will contain a plate inscribed with the name of a professor who has been a positive influence to a particular student. “We thought it was a good way to honor and recognize our favorite professors and build a better relationship with current faculty,” Doherty said. Director of the University Library Artemis Kirk praises Alpha Chi Omega’s contributions. “It’s been a great way to make everyone aware of donation opportunities for the library and to honor faculty,” said Kirk. “We at the library think it’s a wonderful initiative on the part of students, and we’re hoping that this will be a continuing program.” In fact, it is a tradition in the making. Doherty added that they hope to maintain the program from now on and make it grow each semester. “It’s a win-win situation for everyone,” she said. For Information: Dave Lavallee 874-5862