A Time for Remembrance and Healing’ planned at URI

Interfaith, intercultural prayer service set for Thursday, Sept. 20

KINGSTON, R.I. — September 18, 2001 — “A Time for Remembrance and Healing,” an interfaith, intercultural prayer service will be held at the University of Rhode Island’s Memorial Union Ballroom on Thursday, September 20 at 4:15 p.m.

The service, sponsored by a number of groups and organizations including the Center for Peace and Nonviolence Studies, URI chaplains, members of the Islamic faith, and the South County Interfaith Council, is open to the public.

“This is a time to remember those who died from the terrorists acts and to begin healing,” said the Rev. John Soares of the Catholic Center, located on URI’s Kingston campus.

“Last week, we were busily attending the immediate needs after the tragedy. This week, we want people of different faiths and ethnic backgrounds to come together and pray to demonstrate by our diversity that there is unity and support. We also want to be sure that members of our community, representing all that wonderful diversity, don’t become innocent victims of blame and suspicion.”

For Information: The Rev. John Soares, 874-2324, Jan Wenzel, 874-2116