Rhode Island Philharmonic to perform at URI Concert features violinist David Kim

Rhode Island Philharmonic to perform at URI
Concert features violinist David Kim

KINGSTON, R.I. — February 20, 2002 — Larry Rachleff, music director and conductor of the Rhode Island Philharmonic, will raise his baton at the University of Rhode Island on Sunday, March 3 at 3 p.m. That’s when the Philharmonic will perform Classical 5 which it performed the previous evening at Veterans Auditorium in Providence. Violinist David Kim is the featured soloist.

The program features Commedia for (almost) 18th century orchestra by contemporary composer William Bolcom, Mathis der Maler: Symphony by Paul Hindemith, and Ludwig Van Beethoven’s Violin Concerto in D major.

Kim has been concertmaster of the Philadelphia Orchestra since 1999. Born in Carbondale, Ill., Kim began playing violin at the age of three, studied with famed pedagogue Dorothy DeLay at the age of eight, and later received his bachelors and masters degrees from the Julliard School of Music.

In 1986 he was the only American violinist to win a prize at the International Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow. Kim is founder and artistic director of the Kingston Chamber Music Festival held at the University of Rhode Island each summer.

He also holds the position of Special Guest Artist at URI and was awarded an honorary Doctor of Arts degree from the University last year.

Kims numerous solo engagements around the world include the orchestras of Dallas, Pittsburgh, Capetown, KBS (Korea) and Moscow, as well as the Buffalo, Rhode Island and Seoul Philharmonics, the Polish National Radio Orchestra, and numerous orchestras across Central and South America. Kim is the son of Chai Kim, a professor in URI’s College of Business Administration.

Major funding for the concert was provided by the URI Alumni Association. URI’s College of Arts & Sciences, the Department of Music, and the University’s Arts and Culture fee provide additional support.

Tickets are $15 for general admission and $5 for students and can be purchased by stopping in URI’s Music Department Fine Arts Office or by credit card by calling 874-5955. Tickets should be picked up one hour before the performance. Any remaining tickets will go on sale an hour before the concert. In the event of bad weather, the snow date is Monday, March 4 at 8 p.m.
For Information: Jan Wenzel, 874-2116