URI Greeks to hold lobster bake, April 27 – Proceeds to benefit local charities

URI Greeks to hold lobster bake, April 27
Proceeds to benefit local charities

KINGSTON, R.I. — April 16, 2002 — The University of Rhode Island’s Interfraternity and Panhellenic Councils will kick off the spring season with the “First Annual Greek Lobster Bake,” from 1 to 6 p.m. on Saturday, April 27 at the Alumni Field on the Kingston Campus. The fundraiser for several local charities will feature a true New England style bake, at $15 dollars per person with a choice of lobster or chicken and other foods.

Live entertainment for the event will be provided by Funk Nugget, Holiday, and other bands. Raffles with cash prizes will be offered.

Proceeds from this event will benefit various charities in Rhode Island and the South County community, including the Galilee Mission to the Fisherman, the Welcome House, the South County Womens Resource Center and the YMCA Schools Out Program.

For information contact Dan Singer, 792-9801 or Jacqueline Lewis, 783-2649 or call the Panhel/IFC Office at 874-2913.

For Information: Dan Singer, 792-9801, Jacqueline Lewis, 783-2649, Jan Wenzel, 874-2116