URI Office of Marine Programs Hosts WeatherNet 10 Open House for Teachers
Narragansett, R.I. — March 22, 2000 — Teachers who want to learn about how their schools can join the fastest growing educational weather network in the country are invited to attend a WeatherNet 10 Open House, sponsored by the University of Rhode Island Office of Marine Programs (OMP), NBC10, and AirWatch Software (AWS), the company that designed Southeastern New England’s WeatherNet System.
The open house will be held on Saturday, April 1, from 1-3 p.m. in the Coastal Institute Building on the URI Bay Campus in Narragansett.
Participants will be able to experience the AirWatch educational software, curriculum, and WeatherNet System firsthand. Channel 10 meteorologist Gary Ley and AWS educators and meteorologists will be on hand to answer questions.
The open house is free and open to teachers, administrators, and school volunteers and leaders. Preregistration is not necessary.
For information call the URI Office of Marine Programs at 874-6211.
Established in 1986 as the marine and environmental outreach arm of URI’s
Established in 1986 as the marine and environmental outreach arm of URI’s Office of the Vice Provost for Marine Programs, OMP’s targeted audiences include educators and students at all levels, the general public, volunteers, scientists and engineers, journalists and the media, alumni, donors, and friends of the Graduate School of Oceanography. Housed in the Coastal Institute at URI’s Narragansett Bay Campus, OMP outreach efforts are focused in the areas of marine and environmental education and science communications.
Visit the URI Office of Marine Programs Website:
Contact: Lisa Cugini, 874-6642, lcugini@gso.uri.edu