WHO: Gov. Donald Carcieri, URI President Robert L. Carothers, URI Vice President Robert Weygand, and Jeff Seemann, dean of the URI College of the Environment and Life Sciences, along with students, faculty, and construction personnel.
WHAT: A ‘topping out’ ceremony at which the last steel beam will be raised into place to complete the framework of the URI Center for Biotechnology and Life Sciences, the largest academic building project in URI history. Funding for the $60 million, 140,000 square foot facility is coming from $50 million in bonds approved by Rhode Island voters in 2004 and $10 million in donations.
WHEN: Wednesday, Nov. 14 at 1 p.m.
WHERE: The first floor plaza of the Chafee Social Science Center, 10 Chafee Road, on the URI Kingston campus.
CONTACT: Todd McLeish in the URI Department of Communications and Marketing at 874-2116 or tmcleish@uri.edu, for additional information and coverage opportunities.