Oct. 17, 2021
I write tonight to underscore for every member of our community that the University of Rhode Island is an institution committed to rejecting racism in all its forms.
The University learned today of an offensive, unacceptable and racist comment posted to social media earlier today, allegedly by one of our students. This language is abhorrent and has no place in a community that is deeply committed to anti-racism.
Given the significance of this issue, the University has taken immediate action and referred the matter to the University student conduct process for review.
Because this is a student conduct process, the University is prevented by the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act from releasing the individual’s name.
If members of the University community need support, please reach out to the following resources:
* Community, Equity and Diversity, 306 Green Hall, 401-874-7077, uriced@etal.uri.edu
* Multicultural Student Services Center, 401-874-5829, mssc@etal.uri.edu
* URI Counseling Center, 217 Roosevelt Hall, 401-874-2288.
* Dean of Students Office, 302 Memorial Union, 401-874-2098.
* Psychological Consultation Center, Chafee Social Science Center, Suite 100.
* Campus Chaplains, 401-874-2740, amyolson@uri.edu.
* Employee Assistance Program, 401-874-5271.