Now in its fifth year, URI Shark Camp sets sail week of July 22

Innovative program introduces high school students to marine sciences, college life; Registration now open

KINGSTON, R.I. – July 9, 2024 – The University of Rhode Island will hold its fifth annual Shark Camp the week of July 22. The program, developed by Professor of Biological Sciences Brad Wetherbee, began in 2018 as a way to introduce students from underserved communities to the biological sciences and marine sciences programs at URI. 

Wetherbee notes the lack of representation of students from diverse communities in many of his marine science classes, and the life sciences in general, as his motivating factor for starting the camp.

“Kids from underserved communities don’t have the same experiences and opportunities growing up that kids from wealthier communities do,” said Wetherbee. “That’s the whole premise behind this. Shark Camp gives them a chance to learn about sharks while also introducing them to the possibility of college and opening their eyes to opportunities they may not have thought were open to them.”

As part of the camp, students will spend three days (July 23, 24, 25) on the Cap’n Bert trawler, catching sharks and examining many other forms of sea life. Sharks are measured, typed for sex and returned to the water. Students also receive tours of URI’s Center for Biotechnology and Life Sciences and meet with professionals in the marine sciences field, as well as alumni of the program who are students at URI.

Student attendees this year hail primarily from Providence area schools. Joining them will be Shark Camp alumnus Joe Barney, a high school student who attended last year’s camp and is working with Wetherbee for the summer. Also working with the camp as mentors are Jordan Tavares of Providence and Mary Brantley of Charlotte, North Carolina – both are marine biology majors serving as science and engineering and coastal fellows in URI’s College of the Environment and Life Sciences. 

There are still a few spots open on the Cap’n Bert. Students who may be interested in attending URI Shark Camp should visit to register. Learn more about URI Shark Camp:

Members of the media who are interested in covering URI Shark Camp are encouraged to reach out to Professor Brad Wetherbee at (401) 450-8086 to reserve space on the Cap’n Bert. The trawler leaves the dock at 9 a.m. and returns at 2 p.m. each day.

WHO:   URI Professor Brad Wetherbee; URI marine biology majors Jordan Tavares and Mary Brantley; shark camp alum Joe Barney; and Providence area high school students.

WHAT:   Free URI Shark Camp

WHERE:  The Cap’n Bert trawler leaves from the Wickford Shipyard; 100 Steamboat Ave., Wickford, R.I.

WHEN:   July 23, 24 and 25, from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Note for Media: Members of the media who are interested in covering URI Shark Camp are encouraged to reach out to Professor Brad Wetherbee at (401) 450-8086 to reserve space on the Cap’n Bert. The trawler leaves the dock at 9 a.m. and returns at 2 p.m. each day.