URI’s Free Farmers Market for students opens Sept. 5

URI-grown fresh, free produce for all URI students

KINGSTON, R.I. – Sept. 3, 2024 – The University of Rhode Island’s award-winning Free Farmers Market for students opens on Thursday, Sept. 5, kicking off another season of fresh, free produce giveaways on the URI Quadrangle and at a new, added location this year to serve athletes, commuter students and students on west campus. 

The market takes place weekly through the end of October on Thursdays 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the Quadrangle, with a new satellite option outside of Mackal-Tootell on Thursday afternoons from 2 to 3 p.m. (while supplies last). On inclement days, the market moves inside Fogarty Hall.

Veggies offered at the weekly market are grown at URI’s Teaching Garden on the west edge of campus by students in the University’s plant sciences program.

The market is part of URI community efforts to take excess food grown at the University’s teaching and research farms and share it with URI students. As a land grant university, food production is part of URI’s curriculum and one of its missions. 

The market is supported by student volunteers, for-credit and paid student managers, URI Health Promotion, the Nutrition Department and Cooperative Extension. Amanda Missimer and Kelli Kidd co-coordinate the program with Rebecca Brown who oversees the Agronomy Farm. Peckham Farm contributes farm fresh eggs and URI Master Gardeners coordinate the harvest of apples from East Farm.

Volunteers are always welcome!

URI is one of only a few New England colleges that provide this kind of free, homegrown market, offering food grown less than a mile away at the University’s farms. Farm to table turnaround is less than 24 hours, with farm-fresh produce gathered on Wednesdays and distributed the next day. Last year, those Thursdays shared a large bounty of food: the farm yielded more than 7,000 pounds of produce, shared for free with more than 1,600 URI students.

All URI students are welcome and encouraged to visit this year’s market; bring a reusable shopping bag or get one on-site.

Learn more here. Volunteers are welcome: sign up here to help!