Caption This

Fall 2021 Winners

A black and white picture of students during the winter waiting outside the telephone booth occupied by a snowman.

Hello, URI Magazine readers! It’s been a while!

The last photo caption contest appeared in the fall 2021 issue—which was the last print issue. We’re glad to finally share the winning captions from fall 2021. The photo inspired a lot of caption ideas. Many of them, including some of our winners, fell into the broad themes of cold calling, Frosty the Snowman, and melting.

Winning Caption

“Hello, Frosty? We’ve been trying to reach you regarding your car’s extended warranty.”
—Luis Lopez ’19


“This is going to take a while. It’s another business student making cold calls.”
—Mary Patty, M.S. ’12

“I want one ticket to Miami.”
“No. One way.”
—Bill Fuesz ’77

“Hey, Frosty! How long are we going to be chillin’ out here?”
—Judi Barton ’69