Gray Jay at Sunset by James Carlson ’16
James Carlson ’16 (engineering) was on an overnight autumn backpacking trip with friends when he took this photo of a Canada jay, also known as a gray jay, on the summit of Mount Carrigan, a 4,700-foot peak in the White Mountains in New Hampshire. “We were hanging out on the summit fire tower when some gray jays got friendly with us and were circling our spot. One landed on my friend’s hand for a split second,” says Carlson, “just long enough for me to snap this photo.”
Follow James on Instagram @iamjamescarlson
Calling All Alumni Photographers
Share your photos with your classmates and fellow Rhody alumni in URI Magazine. Send photos, along with background (the story behind the photo), to urimag@uri.edu and we will consider all submissions for publication in future issues of URI Magazine.
Great timing!